Disclaimer: Please do not choose a location because of a specific photo. Seasons, lighting, foliage, tide, children's moods, etc all make it so that every session is a little different. This just gives you an idea of the feel of some of my favourite locations. Please consult Googlemaps as some locations aren't as far away as you think, and might be worth the extra 10-20 minutes drive even if you feel that they are a little outside from where life usually brings you.

Most of these locations reveal their magic at a carefully timed session towards the end of the day. In June and July, this can mean a very late start time, such as 8pm for west-facing beach locations like Steveston. Starting in August, September, onwards, we can begin our sessions a little earlier as the sun starts setting earlier in the evening.

Pitt Polder Ecological Reserve, North Pitt Meadows

Garry Point Park, Steveston Richmond

More photos will be available shortly:

Golden Ears Park, Maple Ridge (Can begin sessions earlier here because the sun sets behind the mountains earlier)

Whytecliff Park, West Vancouver

Blackie Spit, South Surrey

Stanley Park, Vancouver

Spanish Banks, Vancouver

Buntzen Lake, Port Moody

Sunflowers&Dahlias (fall) or Cherry Blossoms, Tulips (spring):

Vibrant fall leaves usually come out later in October, at many locations throughout the lower mainland.